Monday, July 12, 2021

New Horizons and a lull in making artwork.

 I have a new post in the draft stages....I was having issues uploading photos and what fun is a post about art if I cannot show any of it.

Anyhow, I will be trying to finalize that shortly.  My regular job has been absolutely crazy as we are very short handed and I've been working quite a lot.....good for the money, not so good for anything else in life.

After many years of renting though, my wife and I have decided to buy a house.  We are currently a month away from closing and have been spending most of our free time getting rid of stuff and boxing the rest up.  Once we are in our new home I will get back to making artwork...I've already had about 2 months off and I'm probably a good 3 months away from being ready to start up again.
