Friday, May 20, 2016

I'm pretty sure this....

So I printed the next color for the FU print.  This a darker violet that makes up some underneath shadowing on the outside neon tubes.  For some reason this print is wrestling with me and I'm pretty sure that this thing does not want to be completed.  Just 3 colors away from completion and I'm struggling with it more than any print that I've ever made.

I assume that there are many reasons with my issues in making this print and I'm sure that they fall into:
A.)  I've never made a 12 color print before
B.)  The block has probably been smashed down due to the number of times passed through the press
C.)  I've over inked areas that have created a texture on the surface
D.)  I accidentally smashed part of the print early on and didn't realize it until I had cranked it through the press...this caused an indention in the block, but oddly that area isn't really in any of the majorly affected areas.  Go figure.  It'd be really easy to just blame that.

Below is an image of how this latest color printed.

If you look at the dark violet there is a small outline that goes around it.  I lightened the pressure on the pressure on the press thinking it was just pressing too hard, but I still go this result.  Guess I'm going to have to try and find out from others what causes this...over inking?  Pressure?

So...until I figure out what's happening, my ink has been packed up and a color swatch created so I don't forget what the color inside looks like.

Sigh....12 colors....I don't think I was quite ready for that.  I suppose it's a good learning experience.

#art #printmaking #linocut #lino #reductionprint #reduction #violet #ink #FU #inkingproblems

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