Monday, August 1, 2016

Inks! Preparations for linocut printing.

So I fully intended to print this morning, but the humidity and having some light stuff to do around the house got to me first.  I decided to at least get something done so I pre-mixed some inks for tomorrow morning.  I don't always pre-mix my inks, but I'll admit that it definitely saves time on the day I intend to print.

I do plan on getting up tomorrow and doing 2 things...the first is reprinting the Cafe print with this lighter grey (left...obviously).  The more I look at the other prints the less that I'm happy with them.  I will continue to print them though all the way to the end.  I think that the original grey was too dark for the neon tubing color, but I've always found that this early in printing it's always hard to tell how things are going to work out.

The second thing I plan to get done is the tearing of the paper to the size needed for the Diner print.  That shouldn't take too long, I think it's almost half sheets of paper. which is pretty good.  I also need to come up with a press bed that can be used for unmounted lino pieces.  I have some ideas and just need to visit the local Home Depot or Lowes.

The second color is the second yellow color for the Diner print.  This is the shadow color for the circles that comprise the "Diner".  I'm going to use a straight Gamblin Hansa Yellow for the first color.  I'm at least now 1 step ahead with this print.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #inks #GamblinReliefInks #Grey #Yellow #Cafe #Diner

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