Friday, April 28, 2017

So many projects...

Here are four of my current projects that are in the process of being worked on.  These do not include the street scene and/or the Utah landscape that I'm working on.

It's been a week since my last printing where I printed the two closest with the yellow (as shown).  The yellow for those prints is the first color for the "B" and the small 3x3 Shake Shack logo.

The La Rose Shop up top is completely carved and ready for printing.  I've also finished carving away the "B" and the small neon tubes of the Shake Shack logo and I've begun the highlights for the neon tubing of the "M" as well.  Though I'll admit to running into a small issue with the "M"...hopefully I can fix it and it won't be a big deal.

Below are some of the pics I've taken after working some of the pieces this past week.

3x3 Shake Shack - neon tubing carving

"B" neon tubing - shadow area carving

I should have some more work finished up shortly, hopefully tomorrow and an update shortly thereafter.

#art #printmaking #linocut #linoprint #lino #reductionlinocut #neon #sign #printingprocess

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