Thursday, February 22, 2018

A finished piece!! (with a side of updates)

TACO - Finally completed.

After printing that past color, I asked my wife what she thought...

She replied:  "Is it done?"

That told me that it was indeed not done.  The dark grey just seemed to close to the dark shadow green color.  I then printed black over top of the grey.  Unfortunately, the way that cameras work it appears in the image above that the black and shadow green are also similar...sigh.  They are not all that similar in person.

This is my first completed print of 2018 (even though it was started in 2017).

"a" - 10x10 - shadow red printed layer

This piece is down to two colors remaining.  I printed the shadow red last week and I must say that I'm very happy with that red.  Last time I printed a red with a shadow red that color turned out odd and I didn't like it very much after I finished printing.  

I learned about using a ready made color vs. mixing my own.  I will now always mix my own if it doesn't seem to be working out as initially intended.  Only a medium, dark grey and a dark grey/black remain for this piece.  Very happy with the registration as well with this piece.  It's very spot on.

Green Street - 8x10 - Shadow Blue

So this little buy didn't necessarily turn out as intended.  I get thrown off course by a colors transparency.  Some colors are very opaque while others....not so much.  This piece is an example of such....I printed a shadow blue over the blue house.  As you can see, the transparency of the blue permitted the yellow (which was printed earlier) to show through and thus creating a very dark green.

I'll be reprinting a more opaque version of the blue shortly.  This is the reason why I normally like to ink the entire block.  If I ink the entire block then whatever happens, happens in a uniform fashion.  This is what I get trying to cut corners and save ink.

I realize that this update was a little late and I apologize, but my wife and I went on an early February vacation (first time for something like this).  We are back though and I've gotten two newer pieces almost prepared for printing.  A 12x16 and a 16x20 (which will be the largest overall piece that I've tried at home).

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #printingprocess #updates #a #taco #GreenStreet

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