Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Ice Cream - 20x16" - 12 Color Reduction Linocut

Ice Cream - 20x16"

I've really slacked off on showing progress for this piece lately.  Since my last post I've printed 3 variations on a magenta/pink and a grey.  It's kinda crazy how the third time is a charm.  Usually failing twice at something really causes some form of hesitation on attempting the same subject matter for the third time.  Failure is generally a fantastic learning tool though.  It may not be what you want to have happen, but it teaches so much more than constant success.

I was originally down to two remaining colors, but decided to mix a color just to see how the next grey would react to some added blue.  When I finally finished mixing up a small batch of this cool grey color I decided that it would make a very nice cast shadow color.  I didn't really want to push the color count to 12, but sometimes you just have to do what you think will make your art better....sometimes less is better...sometimes more is.

I'm currently in the process of carving away the neon tubing and leaving the cast shadow area on the lettering, a shadow for the neon tubing and finally the sky to print.  Very excited to see this piece finally get completed....I've only been attempting this piece for over a year now.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #reductionprint #neon #icecream #lightandshadow #disneyland #californiaadventure #catchaflav #california #anaheim

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