Saturday, May 2, 2020

Plutos and a Spyder update!

Pluto's - update

Shortly after my last post I printed the green on the larger Pluto's piece.  In yet another stage of learning, I discovered that I should print green before violet/purple.  The violet wasn't all that dark so I figured (for some reason) that I could successfully print over it in green...I was incorrect.

If you look just to the left of the "Pluto's" neon text you can a variation in the green.  That variation is where the violet was printed.  I now have to double print the green and that should be complete by the end of the day today.  I was going to print it last week (this has been printed for 2 weeks now), but had some other chores and things around the house pop up so I had to push it off until today.


WOAH!!!  Here's a piece that I haven't updated in a while.  This poor guy has been on the "on and off" list for quite a while  It kinda got buried when I started the Pluto's piece.  Red was the last color I printed which was only a couple weeks back.  I have somewhere around 4 colors left to go....a black, and I think 3 darker reds for the shadows of the car.  Hopefully I can find some time to get this car back on the road.

#art #printmaking #linocut #lino #reductionlinocut #neon #Plutos #Spyder #green #red #printingprocess 

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