Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pluto's Toy Palace test print

Pluto's Toy

Mini-ish test print for possible larger piece.

So it's been a while since my last post.  I did take about a month off of printing (again), but before that I was working on this new piece which is based off of a sign from Disney's Hollywood Studios for Pluto's Toy Palace.  I've been wanting to do a larger scale print with a fair amount of colors so while searching through previously taken pics I had taken I ran across pics of this particular sign.

As much as I'd like to just jump this straight into a larger print, I figured that it would be probably in my best interest to just go ahead and see how it would work out on a smaller scale.  I've been working on this piece since my last post and have managed to get about 5 colors in.


These are the next 4 stages and I've printed through.  I'm currently at an impasse on the next color, but since my reds tend to be fairly opaque it'll probably wind up being green which is the majority of the upper part of the sign.

I'm also in the process of creating a new registration jig for the small Hot Wheels Lotus and should have something printed very soon.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #lino #printingprocess #neon #disneyworld #wdw #hollywoodstudios #pluto #toy #lakebuenavista #florida #fl