Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Dark Green - Pluto's

Pluto's Toy - Dark Green

About two weeks ago I printed the dark green shadow area of this piece.  Though I can admit that I was a little worried about how the color would turn out (too light...too dark, etc), it actually turned out incredibly well.

I'm usually incredibly hard on my choices and know when an error has been made, but occasionally I pull the paper away from the block and somewhat "wow" myself.  This color was one of those moments.  It was a mixture of the green used for the highlighted area, prussian blue and some black.  I didn't want to add the black because prussian blue is very dark, but even after mixing quite a bit of the blue into the green the color just wasn't getting where I wanted it to....so alas....some black (albeit a very small amount).

The block is carved and ready for printing, but some life stuff has stepped up and I'm hoping to get around to printing the next color this coming Thursday.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #plutos #toy #disney #disneyhollywoodstudios #florida #neon #lightandshadow