Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Falling a little behind lately as it's been the month of traveling around interviewing and not having enough time to make any art. This coming month is going to be just as crazy as I'm starting to pack since I'm moving. I should have something soon though...I'm taking another painting class and will finish up in a week or two.

Here's an older piece though....
Medium: Oil Paints on Masonite       Size: 24 x 36

This picture is one of my first oil landscape paintings that I did in my first oil painting class.  There is a lot of artistic license taken on this image.  The original painting, which was mostly wiped away had the hill on the left going the entire way across the picture. 

The original concept drawings were done at Clearcreek State Park near Siegel, PA.  This park is down between two mountains and the river winds between them, but my teacher felt the the image was boring and wanted me to open it up and change my painting to include more sky and distant hills and mountains. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Medium:  Acrylic Paint on Mixed Media Paper    Size: 24x36
Title:  "Rose Petal"

This piece is titled "Rose Petal" simply because that's what the image is.  I took a abstract painting class where we got to use an electron microscope to magnify objects thousands of times.  This painting also had to be done monochromatic, so I chose to use Pthalo Green.

The electron microscope only identifies in black and white and the rose petal had a value change from light to dark and had very small cracks(?) in it that were unvisible to the unaided eye.  It was a very interesting class to take and some of the images from objects that people brought in really yielded some amazing views.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Medium:  Acrylic Screen Print on Canvas    Size: 8x10

I've gotten really re-interested in printmaking lately and this cupcake piece is the first try and getting back into screenprinting.  I have not screenprinted in a number of years and the red outline really shows that.  I do believe that part of my issue was the lack of additional coats of gesso to fill in some of the dips on the canvas.  Both the yellow and blue parts were painted on after the red outline had time to dry.

I was very excited to do this again and can't wait to get a little more into it.  I have many ideas that I'd love to do and will hopefully be able to show them in a couple weeks...when I'm not painting, drawing or working on my etching of the bridge in the previous post.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Medium:  2H Pencil on Sketch Book Paper   Size:  2x3

This is a small sketch I did the other day in Homestead, which is just outside of Pittsburgh and crosses over the Monongahela River.  Though I was sure at the time that it was no longer in use, I was proven wrong while sketching in that area when a train with large loads of coal crossed over it.

I plan on using this sketch to create an etching and practice up on printmaking skills that I have not used in some time.