Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ice Cream!!

Ice Cream - 16x20" - Reduction Linocut

I've restarted the Ice Cream print due to unhappiness with the original that I started a while back.  Originaly I started with a light grey color that completely altered the color of the next layer...a light yellow.  Yellow is generally very transparent so the grey showed through and created a very non-appealing yellow color.

I chose to restart and instead of starting with grey I began with a very light yellow.  This time around I'm going to do all the yellows and some light oranges before moving onto the grey.  I am at the moment right up against vacation and a friend's Grand Opening of a business she is opening so I probably won't have any time to work on this until my return from vacation.

I am going to continue printing both the original print that I started as well as the newer piece.  I'm going to probably alter the colors of the older piece since it wasn't quite working out as expected.  I am excited about this piece and some of the upcoming pieces that I have planned.

Stay tuned...but I probably won't post for another two to two and a half weeks.

#art, #printmaking, #linocut, #reductionlinocut, #neon, #icecream, #yellow, #disney, #californiaadventure, #california, #paradisepier

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