Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A couple updates.


Hi everyone!  Here are two updates since my last post. 

The Pluto's has gotten it's first green layer and I unfortunately lost a couple on this pass.  The ink coverage was not up to what I wanted and attempted second passes on a couple of the prints and doing so didn't work out for me so well.  That night I gave up and decided to continue the following night.  I wound up adding another sheet of newsprint to the padding that I lay over top of the block and paper to increase the pressure by a small amount.  This worked out well and the rest of the prints worked out very well. 

I still have about 6 colors left for this piece....and I'm partially reconsidering making a large version of this piece (14x28" or 15x30").  I like the idea of it since it's a lot of colors and would look really nice, but would really take me a long time to complete and in order for me to have it finished by next years deadlines I will have to get printing withing the next couple weeks.

I'm probably still going to do it though...I enjoy the pain that those large pieces cause me.  I also recently ordered some new large pieces of linoleum and got a large amount of paper from a closing local art store so everything is in place.  I will just need to finish the drawing for transfer.

The second image is the first two printed layers to the Hot Wheels Lotus mini print that I started a little while back.  I don't honestly have much to say about this piece at the moment as it's still early in it's process.  I do have about 3 colors to go until it's complete....it's basically 4 shades of grey, a black and the yellow.
The weather lately has slowed my printing of these pieces.  I always have a hard time getting the ink to dry quickly during the fall and early spring.  It usually takes 2 or 3 days normally and the Pluto's took almost two weeks to dry and the Lotus was about a week.  Now that the furnace kicks on occasionally though it seems to have kept the air moving and dried the ink faster on each print.

I've started a new set of mini-prints based on a couple of Maine lighthouses that my wife and I visited while on vacation there a little over a month ago.  I'm hoping that they turn out because the visiting of these lighthouses along the coast was an incredible time for me and became one of my favorite parts of the trip.  I'm not an really an ocean person...or a lighthouse person, but a lot of these lighthouses we visited have been portrayed by many of my favorite artists and just being around the lighthouses was incredible.  I'll have updates for these fairly soon and will hopefully get back to more frequent updates.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #reductionprint #printingprocess #neon #car #Pluto #Lotus #HotWheels #Disney

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