Saturday, December 24, 2016

Diner update

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to everyone.

I printed the 2nd color to the Diner print a couple days back and just haven't had time to post about it.  I did manage a post on Instagram, but nothing here due to how much time I've spent at work this past week.

The images above are both the inked up lino block (on the left) and the printed 2nd color over the initial yellow.  Almost all of the prints are dead on with their registration which is nice.  I think I may have figured out how to finally alter the ink with Tack Reducer so that it's not so darn...well...tacky.

The new yellows that I bought were both Canfield Traditional Relief Inks which I have never tried, but they both worked out real well and I'm happy with my purchase of them.  Will definitely be looking into getting more of them in the future.  They have a very nice consistency and I don't have to use as much Tack Reducer to get them to a point where they don't stick to the lino block.

Here is a picture of my setup for printing this block on my press.  Very happy with the Blick 999 press.  Doesn't pull on the paper like the 906 did which allows me to use the Ternes Burton registration pins that I had bought.  I was getting concerned that I had bought them for no reason when the pressure from the press would pull on the paper and cause the plastic registration tabs to stretch.

I've also completed the carving of the Diner block and I'm ready for the printing of the orange for the outside parts of the neon tubing.  I'm just waiting on the recently printed ink to dry up enough for the next printing.  I'm shooting for Thursday to print.

I've also been working with the La Rose Shop tracing still, but have come to an issue which I believe is simply something that is tricking my eyes.  The bricks on the side of the building appear to be going at different vertical angles and I've had to erase all the bricks and re-evaluate where they are and how they look....but, still they look to me as though they are going in weird angles.  I'll figure it out or just force them into the same direction with my pencil.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #reliefprinting #Diner #SomersetPA #carving #inking #CanfieldTraditionalReliefInks #Yellow #DeepYellow #updates

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