Saturday, February 18, 2017

Diner with some other updates

Last week I printed the next color of the Diner print.  This image makes the color look very blue, but it's closer to a light green (sea foam green) color.  Unfortunately, there was some registration issues and now only 2 of the 10 are still registered good.  If you look closely at this picture in the bottom left you can actually see the shadow yellow which was the second color printed.

I'm disappointed, but still want to forge ahead with this piece and once I'm done then I'll take some time to figure out what I want to do with it.  I'm starting to consider other ways of working with the registration so that these issues do not occur as much.  I have some ideas, I'm just not sure which direction I'm going to head with them.

I also decided that I was going to revisit an old reduction that I began a good while back.  Shortly after buying my first at home printing press I started a neon "B".


These are no pics from that edition.  I wound up moving on from it because I was working with mounted linoleum and this piece was unmounted.  It was just partial laziness of not wanting to alter the pressure on the press.  To be honest though I did not like the color that I had put on the last time I printed (see picture on the right).  So my time away was to see if I felt differently later and/or to not have to change the pressure.

I was going to start to finish it last week and pulled it out to look at.  Most of the Sharpie lines have disappeared on the lino making it difficult to figure out what needs carved...or if I have already carved what I needed to.  To be honest it is quite hideous and the order that I printed the color was a little off and it appears that on the last color there were significant registration errors on most of the prints.

I've always liked the looks of this piece so I decided.... start over.  Luckily I keep all of my artwork and ideas for each project after I finish them and file them away.  This is exactly the same as the original, but I think I'm going to alter the tubing this time to avoid the thin line that runs down the center which shows the orange line.  We'll see though as I do like how it was originally turning out (see above picture on the left).


I'm also starting a landscape that will be a multi-colored reduction print as well.  The left is my reference photo from my trip to Utah.  I think it was actually taken while I was driving.  The right is a photoshopped version where I created dual layers and altered one of them and then reduced it's opacity so that the original would show through.  I plan on doing a tracing and then using it to identify how and where I'll simply the image to better suit a linocut.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #updates #Diner #LightGreen #neon #sign #B #Buca #Utah #Utahlandscape #landscape

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