Saturday, February 4, 2017

Shadow Red - Diner update!


I printed the next color on the Diner print this morning.  At first I used a non-mixed Quinacridone Red, but it didn't have the necessary contrast to the red beneath it.  I mixed some violet into the red and came up with a good color that was darker, but not too dark that the contrast was too great.

Though the colors on this image are a good bit altered due to the light from the window, this detail shot shows how the shadow red looks on the letters themselves.  I'll be starting the carving after finishing this post so I can print the next color...though I'll admit, I'm not completely sure which I'm going to do next.  It's either light green or sky blue.

This is a ghost image of the block after I was finished.  I printed a copy off onto newsprint to help clean off the block.

I've also been slowly working on the La Rose Shop image and the inking of the image with Sharpie markers.  The bricks are going slower than anticipated, but I want to make sure that they don't angle oddly with each other.  I'll also be coloring the letters in with different colors so that I can not confuse what gets carved and what doesn't.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #Diner #neon #sign #red #shadow #LaRoseShop #inking

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