Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Different type of work day equals some time for art.


So today I'm not working my regular shift and have the morning off.  Since I had some of that time off I decided to finish up some carving on the "B".   I considered printing the next color, but have other projects that I need to advance.  At least I've completed carving away the light yellow of the letter of the actual painted letter.

The image on the left is the completely carved block which is ready for printing while the one of the right is the progress that I had made previously while on break at work.  I do want to double check to make sure that all of the areas are appropriately carved out and that I didn't miss anything.

I also decided to print the shadow on the neon tubing for the 3x3" Shake Shack mini-print.

So far the yellow and light green of the tubing have been printed and I've even carved this block so that it's ready for the color in a couple days.  According to my notes I still have to print a light grey, dark grey and either a black or a very dark grey.....probably a very dark grey.  It always seems to work out better than black.

I've also torn up some paper and started placing registration tabs on them for the Utah desert/bluffs linocut that I've started.  I'll be honest when I say that I really don't know what to call them.  I'll be excited to get that piece started as I don't do many landscapes and it's definitely something I want to learn to do better.

I'm also starting to play with some other images from Zion National Park, but for the moment it's simply just playing with them until I perhaps get them to a point where I'm comfortable with them.

Below are the photoshopped versions of the photos.  I sometimes use photoshop to try and break a photo down into simpler forms as things can sometimes be a bit overwhelming with all the information, colors and variations.  I've been working with the bottom left the most as the way the rock seem layered over one another really appeal to me.



#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #ideas #printingprocesses #carving #printing #ink #B #BucaDiBeppo #neon #sign #landscape #Utah #ZionNationalPark #photoshop 

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