Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Fuel and Fuddle update - Marker tracing of plate


F U - Fuel and Fuddle linoblock line work inking.

Since it's been too cold to properly ventilate the room that I work in, I've decided to continue working on the F U block that I started a couple days back. The following images are the inking of the transferred pencil lines.

The third image is a very close to being finished image.  There is a single line in there that I'm unsure as to what or where it's supposed to do or be and it's difficult to identify on both the tracing and source image.  Since most of the block is inked over in marker I've started going in and turning it into a sorta-color-by-number image.  I identify areas with color abbreviations so I know what color is supposed to go where.

I'll be tearing paper for this print tomorrow sometime and once I give the Sharpie enough time to dry completely I'll start to print (probably a week or so...the last thing I want is for the Sharpie to eventually wipe off in between colors.)

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