Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Diner - Completed!!

Diner - 10x22" - 10 color reduction linocut

I printed black over the Diner print this past week.  It was the tenth and final color of this reduction linocut.  Very happy with the final result and glad that I didn't decide to scrap this project.  I still see things in the print that I wish I had changed, but you know what they say about hindsight.

I remember driving by this sign and it was a bright day, but the sun was not at a really good angle and I continued driving.  It was actually my wife that convinced me to turn around and taken another look at it.  I did and still continued driving a little bit.  I really wasn't even going to stop, but at the last second decided to.  I think the shadows on this print are rather interesting as they are long and don't necessarily reflect the shadows of the letters themselves.

The image above is slightly skewed from the left to the right.  The actual prints are not like that and the picture above is just my fantastic, photographical abilities with my phone while I'm still excited to share the print, but still in the process of cleaning up the ink.

As of today the ink is still slightly tacky, but it should be dry within a day or two.  At that point I'll start examining the prints to see which are keepers and which are not.

I finished tearing up some paper and attaching the Ternes Burton registration pins for multiple projects and have even begun working on a small series of 3x3" prints for submission to a show in New York City that I'd like to submit too.  Pics of those will be upcoming.  I literally just finished preparing one and will begin the next as soon as I'm done here.

I hope everyone likes this print and hope you all have a good night!

#art #printmaking #linocut #diner #reductionlinocut #black #printingprocess #somerset #pa #swpa #completed

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