Thursday, September 15, 2016

New updates and a new ink roller!!

Here is the current update on the Hi-Land Dodge lino that I started a couple weeks back.  Progress has been pretty slow, but I just took a week off to go on vacation otherwise this would have probably already had it's highlights carved out.

I will say that some of the areas are tough to decipher, but the detail in those section isn't overly important so I'm making small changes here and there depending on how it feels and looks against the photo.  Once I complete the black and blue areas I will go back in with another color to identify where the other 2 colors belong.

Also, the issues that I've been having with my ink have hopefully been fixed by a new can of yellow ink and the possible issues with the ink brayer (roller) have hopefully been fixed.  I contacted the manufacturer about the issues I was having and they offered to send me a new roller all the way from Germany!!  Super excited that it already showed up and now I'm ready to start printing again.  Hoping to test the new ink and roller out on the Diner print either later today or tomorrow morning.

I also stopped by Target the other day and found a bunch of "Back to School" Sharpies on clearance for 88 cents.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #Abig #ABigBrayer #Sharpie #Dodge #ZionNationalPark #TradingPost #ZionParkRV

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