Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Medium: Oil Paints   Size: 8x10

This was my very first painting during my first oil painting class at the Carnegie Museum of Art.  It's a green monochromatic still life.  Monochromatic is the use of a single color with the addition of white and/or black.  In this instance, I did not use any black, the darkest of the colors is the just the pure, out of the tube color.  I believe that the color I used was Viridian Green.

This class was an introduction to painting class and many of the other students had never painted what did the teacher do?  She put up a striped ceramic cup, a striped background and an old-styled metalic, reflective tea-pot/pitcher.  I can definitely say that many of us struggled with the stripes.  What a pain, I used that striped container in another painting and decided after that that I would never include a striped subject matter ever again.

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