Friday, April 3, 2015

"M" 5 Color Reduction Print - Work in Progress

This is the "M" from a vintage YMCA sign located at 600 W. North Ave in Pittsburgh, PA.  So far with this project I've printed the background color (which is a very light grey...almost off white) and the neon tube color which is grey.
To make a reduction print, the artist decides which parts of the art is going to be the paper color.  They then carve only those sections away and then print whatever the next lightest color will be.  In the case of the "M" above, the neon tubes had extremely white highlights from the sun shining on them.  The sign is also white, but it wasn't as bright so I created an off-white grey to use as the sign color.  I carved away just the highlights on the tunes and then printed my off-white/grey color.

Once the off-white grey color has dried, I take my carving tool and carve away all sections that are meant to stay off-white grey (namely the entire background).  I then print my next lightest color which is the grey color for the tubing.  Once that is printed, I can then carve away all the areas that are meant to stay grey.

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