Thursday, April 16, 2015

"The Great Wave" screenprint

Hokusais "Great Wave Off  Kanagawa"  Screenprint
These images are from my re-creation of the "Great Wave" japanese print by Hokusai.  This print has always been one of my favorites by him and I wanted to take a stab at recreating this all by hand as a screenprint.  Up to this point, I had only done simple designs with large black lines to cover where colors intersected.  The final line on this piece is no wider than a fine tip Sharpie marker.

This was also my first 6 color screenprint.  I had grey (sky), light blue, med blue (which was a little too dark for my liking), dark blue, boat gray and boat yellow.  After completing this project, I was I immediately moved onto the Sumatran Tiger which has a post on here as well. =)


John Morton said...

That's some pretty great work. Do you share on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter? I'd definitely give you a follow.

DougThomas said...

I have facebook, but I don't use it for my art. I do have Twitter which I try to update every day or two....try...that is.

My twitter thingydo is @dwtanimator.