Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hi-Land Dodge update! 1st color printed!!

I would like to say that when I have issues printing that I come right back at it and try again.  That is not the case.  I usually get frustrated and focus on a singular piece of art and try and try and try to get it right.  It doesn't leave much time for the other pieces that I want to work on.

I decided this morning that I was going to change that and wanted to work with a color of ink that I knew would work for me.  I've never had issues with Gamblin White and Black so I decided to print the first light grey color to the Hi-Land Dodge linocut.

It makes me feel better to know that I've not lost my touch when inking up the linoleum.  I'm happy that all of these prints actually worked out for me and I've already started carving the next layer away!  In case anyone has forgotten, this piece is going to be Monochromatic - meaning that it's only goes to done in a single color, but have tints and shades of that color.  I decided I wanted nothing more than various shades and tints of grey.  Since it's my first vehicle I want to keep this as simple as possible...which is something I normally have a massive issue with.  Hopefully within a couple days I can get the areas marked in green carved away and get the next color printed.

(Singular image of the first color)

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #lightgrey #grey #gray #Hi-Land #Dodge #truck #Utah

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