Friday, July 8, 2016

Playing around with a photo of Zion National Park

So I want to do a semi-realistic linocut of a landscape, but for some reason I have a major mental hurdle in the way when I'm trying to figure out landscapes.  They are rather daunting since there is so much information in the photograph for the viewer to look at.  Colors (including all values of), shapes, details, etc.  I drew out some small thumbnail images, but to be honest I lose so much of the information that makes it look like it's supposed to.

I tried separating the colors in photoshop and breaking it into simpler shapes and colors, but I could never get the look I wanted.  I decided to make a color test with Sharpie markers and a transparency.  Whether this actually works out for me or not I'm unsure.  I taped the transparency down on top of the photo and basically colored in the areas and tried breaking them down.

I'll trace this over in pencil and then use the photo and this image to help define areas for color on the block.  I'm going to give this one a try, but I'm really unsure as to how it's going to end up.  

This is the actual photo that I'm working off of....guess I'll have to see how things are going to go.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #landscape #ZionNationalPark #NationalParkService #Utah #LifeElevated

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