Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summit Diner - New idea!!

I've recently been looking to create a larger piece at home using a much larger portion of the press bed.  I've been hunting for a good sign that would allow for a large-ish horizontal or vertical piece for me to play with.

During a little day trip with my wife we came across the Summit Diner in Somerset, PA.  

I initially drove past and didn't feel that the sun was in a really good spot, but later decided to head back and see what I could get.  I took about 15 pictures from different angles.  I really liked the "DINER" part of this sign and have decided that it will make a nice vertical piece.  I've used one of my pictures and cropped it into a 9x24 size and printed it out (see pic at top).  I'll tape those printed images out together and then begin the process of tracing it onto tracing paper.

I'm still trying to figure out if I want to include all of the printed image or just the yellow circles with the neon and partial shadows.  That will be figured out as I go along.  Glad to have found a sign that suits the need that I wanted.

#art #printmaking #linocut #lino #reductionlinocut #neon #diner #somerset #pennsylvania #summitdiner

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