Sunday, July 17, 2016

Zion National Park update

Since the last time that I posted the image above I had just finished creating a broken down color version.  I've been slowly working on this piece since I have quite a bit more to do on some other pieces, but spent about 30 minutes this morning tracing the image from the last post.

I'm probably going to take a good amount of time on this piece.  I've been researching a lot of other lino landscapes and trying to figure out how people handle them.  I really would like to make one that I'm proud of rather than one that I chalk up to yet another learning experience.  I know it's going to take me some time and I'm wondering if I should focus on a landscape that's a little more simple...  Guess I'll just have to see.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #tracing #ZionNationalPark #NationalParkService 

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