Saturday, April 23, 2016

Almost finished...but, not today....

Started mixing today with the plan on printing.  It took a good while to make the appropriate colored ink and then when I finally started printing my color proofs I didn't like how things were turning out.

I was using my large brayer in hopes of speeding things along, but it was dipping into the carved away surfaces leaving ink on the sides and when I would print those areas looked real sloppy and I didn't like them.  I'll have to use my 2" brayer to do this final step.  Unfortunately I also ran out of time (since things weren't working out as planned) and since I have things to do tonight I decided to just clean up, post this photo and be ready for either tomorrow morning or Monday to print the final color.

#art #printmaking #lino #linocut #reductionprint #reduction #print #Heinz #HeinzField #Steelers #Grey #Sign

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