Friday, April 22, 2016

The problems you face that you never expect

So yeah....I printed my red for the Fuel and Fuddle print the other day and this happened.  About half of the prints came out fine, but then the other half had issues transferring the ink from the block to the paper.  It's not even that the first half were spotty and the second half were was completely random.

I did toy with the pressure a little on the press on the side that really seemed to miss.  I'm really consistent with how I ink up the block, but I still made sure to pay very close attention to how I was doing it.  I wasn't sure what else to try, but it's apparent to me that half of these prints need to be run through again.  Luckily I didn't use all my ink that I mixed up which was a mix of my Permanent Red and Quinacridone Red.  The Quin Red was supposed to be the solo color, but I didn't like how it looked on my color proof and the very first print pulled so I altered it a little.

Guess this one is gonna take a little longer to finish.


#art #printmaking #linocut #lino #reduction #neon #sign #pittsburgh #problems

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