Friday, August 26, 2016

Hi-Land Dodge and Cafe updates

Completed the tracing of the background trees behind the Dodge truck this morning.  Going to transfer this over to a lino tomorrow morning since I have to start to get ready for work.  I also bought some new Sharpie markers in various colors to try out color coding the entire linocut.

Once the drawing is transferred to the block, I'll start to trace it over with my new markers.  Excited to start work on this new piece.

I've also received a new can of Gamblin Hansa Yellow and a Gamblin Tack Reducer.  From the feedback I've gotten from Gamblin and other printmakers it seems that this tack reducer is possibly going to be the answer to some of my problems.  I'll admit though that I'm nervous about trying it out...

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #Gamblin #HansaYellow #TackReducer #Dodge #ZionNationalPark #TradingPost #ZionParkRV

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