Saturday, August 27, 2016

Unfortunate situation for Cafe

Attempted to print the Cafe print this morning and with the help of the Tack Reducer I had some initial success.  Unfortunately things took a turn for the worst and I realized that none of the prints registration was matching up.  The paper initially was tight on the pegs and I noticed that this was not the case this time around.  

I had already printed mutliple prints when I also noticed that the ink was starting to mimic the issues that I had previously.  So since I'm having major issues with both the ink and the now the registration I've decided to bring this project to a complete stop.  I can no longer go back and reprint the the first two colors since I've carved that part of the block away.

It's unfortunate and I've never stopped working on a piece before due to issues, but since there are so few of this piece left to create an actual edition of quality prints I've decided to end it here.

I still have the initial tracing of this piece and may wind up trying to transfer the image again to a new block and start over, but for the time being I have other prints that I'm interested in getting going.

Below are some images of the issues that I encountered today:

(The left image shows the surface texture from the ink laying oddly as well as the filling in the intricate lines.  The right image and the one below also show the mis-registration and texture.)

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #HarleyDavidson #LasVegas #Cafe #printmakingproblems #printingfail

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