Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Reprinted - Harley Davidson Las Vegas "Cafe" - Reduction Linocut

Harley Davidson Las Vegas Cafe - Reduction Linocut (Reprint)

So I told myself that no matter how hot or humid it was going to be today that I was going to reprint the first grey color.  I pre-mixed the color yesterday and even though it was rather warm today I went for it anyways.  The top print is the original grey and the bottom is the newer lighter grey.

This initial color is of the neon tubing inside of the "Cafe".  The tubes are white, but since the background is white I cannot leave them as that color and they need to be able to stand out from that background so a light grey is what I usually use.  The first time I ran these prints I added probably a little too much black and figured it would be okay.  I realized that it was too dark and added a considerable amount of white back into it, but it didn't due much.  (It's easier to darken a color than it is to lighten it back up.)

I'm going to keep printing both sets though.  The top one will be left as is for the moment as I do like the color for the bottom section of the sign (bottom left corner) and the shadows cast from the neon tubing inside "Cafe".  I'll be starting to carve away parts of the neon tubes within the next couple days and will hopefully get around to the next color shortly there after.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #lightgrey #HarleyDavidson #LasVegas #Cafe #neon #sign

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