Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Harley Davidson Las Vegas Cafe - Carving update

Here's a small update on the initial carving for this piece.  I'm currently carving away all of the white areas (paper color).  The small areas in the letters are quite time consuming so it's taking a little bit of extra time.  I only have so many hours in the morning to work on this piece so I only get a little done each morning.

I did carve out some of the larger areas which lets me feel like I'm actually getting somewhere.  I'm also forcing myself to be very careful that I don't miss any areas and this also takes some additional time.

Here is a detail image of the "a".  For first time lookers...yes...it is backwards.  When printing, you flip the image so that it's backwards so that when the paper is laid on top and removed the image is now in the correct direction.  I'm also using a horizontally flipped image to help with the process of knowing what needs carved and what does not.

#art #printmaking #linocut #reductionlinocut #HarleyDavidson #LasVegas #Cafe #neon #sign

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